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Monday, June 30, 2003

Don't you hate...

When you claim some ish as yours, and tell people about it, and then you don't get it? Maybe that's just something us daddyless daughters are familiar with... having so much faith in them that when they tell you they're sending you a giant barbie dreamhouse, you believe them. You don't just believe. You start telling all of your friends at school and in your neighborhood about the awesome thing on it's way to you.

And then, for whatever reason, you don't end up getting your Barbie dream house...

Then you're pissed and embarrased that you went around telling everyone about your cool new toy that's nowhere to be seen and you likely won't have for another year. And by then it'll be out of style.

I always hated that feeling. The "damn, I shouldn't have said anything, now people are going to be asking me..." That really sucks.

You know what else sucks? How I've been slacking on my site. I really need to add more pics and content.

[Actually, what you need to do is get your domain name and install moveable type- Blunted] Heh.

I am so physically and emotionally drained. This weekend was fun, but I'm looking forward to getting my sleep on. 41 minutes! (Maybe 11... 5:30 is calling my name).

.: posted by Princess Portia 5:24 PM

club-ho chronicles

This weekend was pretty cool. I did a lot of clubbin' that's for sure!

Friday it was Prana in Ybor. Saturday I chilled, and Sunday I went to the Blue Martini NO worries, the crowd was a lot more diverse last night. You know they can't put that on the website though! That's like putting the (brown) winner of American Idol II on the cover of a magazine!

Needless to say today I'm quite "overhung." I would love to be in my bed right now. Drinking lots water and watching the Wayne Brady Show. (Hey, we all have our weaknesses).

More later...

.: posted by Princess Portia 4:03 PM

.: posted by Princess Portia 3:44 PM

Friday, June 27, 2003

tell me what you want what you really really want

I'll tell you what I want what I really really want.

I want to know how the hell someone so impatient always ends up in situations that require the utmost level of patience.

.: posted by Princess Portia 5:13 PM

Tuesday, June 24, 2003

Send your responses: here
1. When and how did we meet?
2. Have you ever seen me with my shirt off?
3. Have you ever seen me cry?
4. Describe me in four adjectives:
5. If we could spend a day together what would we do?
6. Have we ever gotten in a fight?
7. If you could give me a present what would it be?
8. Would you hug me?
9. What do you really think of me?
10. Have we ever kissed?
11. Has there ever been anything you wanted to tell me, but were scared to?
12. Wanna make out? (HAHAHAHA)
13. Name one thing you don't like about me:
14. What song/band makes you think of me?
15. Name one thing you envy about me:

Yes, I'm very, very, very bored!

Do me, I'll do you!

.: posted by Princess Portia 4:43 PM

Thursday, June 19, 2003

el fin de semana

"Go shawty, it's your birthday, we gonna party like it's your birthday..."

I just quoted 50 cent. Oh my. Let's just let this be our little secret. Oh well, it's almost my 21st birthday, so I can do what I want. I think I might be going to the rain lounge on Saturday. I got the hook up on vip from dj short-e. (lol). We'll see. Come join the fun, buy me drinks. I'll confirm later.

.: posted by Princess Portia 6:20 PM

Tuesday, June 17, 2003

baby got back

Here I am. At work, blogging. After the trip I just returned from, I'm having a hard time feeling like I'm serving any type of true purpose here. (Translation: I want to go home!)

My trip was amazing. At times it felt like I was on Road Rules what with all of the "adventures and opportunities of a lifetime." There were definitely hella challenges. Wet Ones were definitely my friend. While I'm at it, let me go ahead and send a big shout-out to "Smucker's Strawberry Goober. Yeah... peanut butter and baby wipes... I ought to write a book.

Jet lag is no joke. I thought it was just something that spoiled world travelers whined about, but there's some truth to it. It's definitely kicking my butt. I'm not sleepy right now, but the adjusting is difficult, and I still feel a little "off."

But the travel bug has officially attacked, and I need another destination...

.: posted by Princess Portia 3:14 PM

Tuesday, June 03, 2003

soooooo anxious

This is my bye-bye until the 14th/15th post because I doubt I'll have time to post in the morning. I am SO excited! Actually right now I'm having a nervous moment, you would think I never traveled internationally how I’m acting. The whole customs thing terrifies me though. They’re hard core criminal organized crime ish in Ukraine according to stuff I read online. Of course that can only be taken with a grain of salt, but no worry.

What does green mean on a mood ring? I found this mood ring in the suitcase my sister loaned me. It's the plain, flat, wedding bandish one. Heh. Imagine a mood ring wedding band...nah, don't. Oh my goodness, my suitcase it so organized, I have my clothes all in pretty little individual rolls. My carry on is the one that's "interesting." 'm carrying on all of my snacks, toiletries, one outfit and one pair of shoes, and 4 pair of underwear...just in case something happens to the luggage. I got a digital camcorder! It's a loaner, but I'm still thrilled. Kind of nervous to be responsible for something so expensive of someone else's, but I'll take good care of it. Everyone pray for me while I'm gone.. please. I'll be ok though, there's hella wisdom behind this trip, and we're all in good hands. I keep thinking of things that I need to go to the store for, but I really should go to bed. We have to meet at noon to make sure everything is situated, even though our flight doesn't depart until 5:45. I'm not going to get into flight numbers and what not, but I'm going on British Airways to London, then to Ukraine, there and back.

This is worse than the first day of school. I put off a lot of things until the last minute {rationalization} so I would have something to do to occupy my time so I wouldn't be so anxious {end rationalization}. There's a lot more I want to say, but my eyes can't stand another minute looking at the computer screen... so I'm off to get a few hours of sleep before my awesome adventure. There will be lots of pictures and movies when I return!!! I look like crap, but thought it was appropriate to post a picture:Here, you, go.

.: posted by Princess Portia 4:26 AM